- For the first time ever, be able to ride on Windstorm, the famous black stallion known from the movies
- Learn about natural horsemanship and discover the freedom of riding in exiting riding missions
- Care for your friend Windstorm and keep him in top shape, so you can go on adventures together
- Freely explore the surroundings of Kaltenbach, always on Windstorms back
- Discover what Mika is doing on Kaltenbach beside the known story
- meet with old friends and explore your favourite places from the movies and books

An update is available
For all owners of Windstorm – the Game , the time has come to download the new update. This brings you more power, a lot of small fixes and improvements.
If you own the game on Steam, the update will automatically be downloaded before the next game starts. For those who have bought the game on CD at retail, or Amazon, there is here a patch to download.